Want to teach more reactively and in line with what SLA research says? Join LYE founders Leo, Mike, and Andrew for monthly long-form interviews with language acquisition experts so you can throw that textbook away. Whether you’re building your own business, working for a school, or just love learning about trends in language teaching, this is your bridge between the research lab and practical classroom.

Friday Mar 29, 2024
Friday Mar 29, 2024
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So many teachers feel they can't teach pronunciation if their speech doesn't sound a certain way. Listen to this episode to discover why that isn't true.
Robin Walker and Gemma Archer are pronunciation specialists who co-authored "Teaching English Pronunciation for a Global World," which aims to encourage pronunciation instruction from a lingua franca and intelligibility perspective.
We chat with Robin & Gemma about:
- intelligibility, comprehensibility, and accentedness
- why the Lingua Franca Core is what teachers should learn
- their disdain for Jennifer Jenkins' criticism of them - before realizing she was right
- how intelligibility is the thing that allows pronunciation to do its job
- weak forms and why they're not necessary for intelligibility
- why the goal of international intelligibility doesn't exclude other goals
- how to measure intelligibility & use Linca Franca Core diagnostics with your students
For more from Gemma:
For more from Robin:
2. His website - Englishglobal.com
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. 5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
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3. Already have clients? Share your vision with us: book a free chat to strategize your business goals.

Thursday Feb 15, 2024
TBLT isn't a fad & this is why NOT using it is holding you back - Lara Bryfonski
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
Thursday Feb 15, 2024
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Many teachers are wary of using a task-based approach. Learn how to overcome that and start using it in your business or classrooms.
Lara Bryfonski is an applied linguist and assistant professor of linguistics at Georgetown University. Her research focuses on task-based language teaching and she is the Project Director of STARTALK-TASK, an NSA-funded task-based training program for critical language teachers. She recently co-authored the book The Art and Science of Language Teaching with Alison Mackey.
In this episode, we chat with Lara about:
- if "TBLT" is a fad
- the myth that novice teachers can't handle TBLT
- why experienced teachers are often the most resistant to try it
- using a TBL approach within a strict syllabus
- where grammar instruction fits into a TBL approach
- what a task is and isn't
- navigating a learner's internal syllabus
- task design and how to apply it in your courses tomorrow
- Twitch, gaming, and asynchronous TBLT
- her advice for aspiring TBLT practitioners
For more from Lara:
2. Find her new book "The art and science of language teaching"
4. Her website
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. 5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
2. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
3. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
4. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
5. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Donna Brinton on Content-based Instruction
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Saturday Jan 13, 2024
Our 5in30 community helps you get 5 new clients in 30 days. Start here.
Donna M. Brinton is a methodologist, trainer, author, and distinguished figure in applied linguistics. A key aspect of Donna's work is her advocacy for Content-Based Instruction (CBI). Over her five decades in the field, she has authored and co-authored many books, including the famed "Apple Book."
In this conversation, Donna expounds on:
- her beginnings as a teacher & her struggles with methodology
- why she decided to focus on methods as a point of emphasis
- content-based instruction and how it impacts language learning
- developing and using a CBI syllabus
- the 6 "t's" framework & the 3 CBI prototypes
- CBI case studies around the world
- the problem with minimal pairs and what can be done instead
- the future of methodology & teacher development
For more from Donna, connect on LinkedIn
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. 5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
2. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
3. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
4. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
5. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
2023 Wrapped: Making Next Year an Authentic One
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Our 5in30 helps you get 5 new clients in 30 days. Start here.
Leo, Mike, and Andrew grab some nog, get in the holiday spirit, and chat about authenticity - Merriam-Webster's word of the year for 2023. We delve into what the word means to us and how we and anyone building a business can bring as much authenticity as possible into 2024.
Specifically, we dive into:
- LYE's beginnings
- our process and struggles with niching down
- why the response "teachers will love that" to our first offer was a bad answer
- the highs and lows of developing your own business
- the "do one thing" philosophy to business growth
- unconventional niche fusions
- how you can develop sustainable practices in your business in 2024
Watch the Pharrell Williams/Maggie Rogers niche-fusion video mentioned in this episode.
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. 5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
2. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
3. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
4. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
5. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Cecilia Nobre on Using Video for Teacher Development
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
We help teachers start their own online business for free. Click here to join in.
Cecilia Nobre is a Ph.D. student in Applied Linguistics at Warwick, has been an EFL teacher for over 20 years, and is a trainer on DipTESOL, CertTESOL, and Celta trainer. She has co-authored the book "Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT" with Steve Mann and Laura Baecher.
Her research interests lie in the areas of teacher development, video reflection, and reflective practice. In this episode, Cecilia touches on:
- video-based observation as a form of development
- how videos can foster more critical reflection
- using video recordings in both the physical and digital classroom
- why every teacher should record their own lessons - and then watch them
- how video observation can be incorporated into pre-service training courses
- why video observation reduces the hierarchical relationship of traditional observation and how it can foster community building
- advice for new educators just getting started
For more from Cecilia:
2. See her co-authored book "Using Video to Support Teacher Reflection and Development in ELT"
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. 5in30: Get 5 clients in the next 30 days
2. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
3. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
4. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
5. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Monday Oct 23, 2023
Geoff Jordan on ELT Now and How It Could Be
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
We help teachers start their own business for free. Click here to join in.
Geoff Jordan is a teacher, trainer, academic, and author. Geoff has a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition, has worked at ESADE, Barcelona for 28 years, and recently co-authored a book with the late Mike Long called "ELT Now and How It Could Be."His main academic interests are: theories of SLA, psycholinguistics, teaching practice and computational linguistics.
Specifically, Geoff touches on:
- his beginnings in the ELT industry
- working alongside Mike Long, Peter Skehan and Henry Widdowson in the early days
- his new book "ELT Now and How It Could Be," co-written with the late Mike Long
- how commercialization has hurt the language industry
- why students should be angry after 300 hours of study when they still can't "go to the pub in London"
- why task-based learning is the only way to go
- why "presenting" language is inefficacious
- how the future of the industry is in niche courses
- advising students to be more resourceful in their learning
- listener questions
More on Geoff:
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
2. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
3. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
4. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Paul Nation on the Four Strands, 27 years later
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
See our free CPD and business growth guides for teachers. Click here.
Paul Nation is an Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Victoria and a renowned author and scholar in our industry. He joins us for a discussion on learning, putting research into practice, and - of course - the four strands 27 years later.
Paul touches specifically on:
- his vocabulary niche
- the birth of the four strands
- how it's a basis for course construction, not lesson design
- how he learned Greek on a 2 hour flight
- why teachers who activate extensive reading in class are brave
- why teachers need to believe that by not teaching, people can learn
- the only 3 things that matter in learning
- if there is a fifth strand
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
2. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
3. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business
4. Try our TAP program free for 7 days

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Dogme Days of Summer 2
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Want to get your first 5 clients in the next 30 days? Click here.
Deep in the Dogme Days of Summer, Mike, Leo, and Andrew get into part 2 of their series.
Here, we delve into:
- using Dogme in the scope of outcome-based instruction
- challenges implementing reactive teaching in different contexts
- obstacles in moving from a structured approach to teaching to one of transference
- using the "so you can" framework to get to the heart of your client's desired transformation
- handling student objections to Dogme
- utilizing self assessments and reflections so students gauge their own progress
- why your course needs guiding principles and how to create them
- approaching grammar as a choice, not as rules
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
2. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
3. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Dogme Days of Summer
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Click here to join our free teacherpreneur support community to grow together.
Andrew, Mike, and Leo sit down and ponder Dogme....as a new approach? It certainly has experienced a resurgence since the pandemic and we are curious why that is.
We also dive into:
- the role of the teacher
- the shift away from planning & towards reacting
- what authentic communication actually means
- how teachers can model lifelong learning habits
- using Dogme in your business and using the less is more philosophy
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we can help you right now:
1. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
2. Map your first course in 60 minutes or less - your free guide here
3. See our free guides for teachers starting their own business

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Dylan Gates on Dogme and the RDS Method
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Click here to join our free teacherpreneur support community to grow together.
Dylan was born just outside London and has been working in the ELT sector for nearly 25 years. About 12 years ago, he discovered Dogme, or as he prefers to call it “Teaching Unplugged”, and this led to his interest in deep-end learning approaches like TBLT and language coaching. When he trains teachers, he makes sure they learn how to move away from the coursebook and deal with emergent language.
In this episode, he shines a light on:
- how freelancing led him to Dogme
- why he includes reactive teaching in his tool kit for the modern teacher
- the RDS method for dealing with emergent language
- key considerations for designing materials with a reactive mindset
- the future of ELT, AI, and how teachers can innovate
More on Dylan:
As always, thank you for listening. Your support has been overwhelming and we couldn't do what we do without you. We hope this podcast serves as an effective CPD tool for you.
If you have a comment or question about today's show, we'd love to hear from you: info@learnyourenglish.com
Ways we at LYE can help you right now:
1. Sandbox your own course ideas in our free support community for teacherpreneurs.
2. Watch this episode on our YouTube channel
3. See our free guides for teachers
4. Book a complimentary consultation with us to chat about your business